ABUControl - KranOS

Operating data, settings, service information. You keep track of the crane via the cutting-edge interface KranOS wirelessly from any laptop or tablet with browser. And the annual inspections will all be the faster for it.

KranOS - one Browser is enough

KranOS is easily operated via a general browser such as Chrome, Firefox, IE, etc. The visualisation uses current web technology and is as easy to use as a website. A laptop, tablet, or smartphone is the only requirement.

Access via WLAN

Every crane with ABUControl comes fitted with a WLAN router. You connect your tablet or laptop to this access to immediately "look into the crane".

Customise your crane

You can customise the different settings of your crane in the KranOS. The speed ramps for accelerating and decelerating for example are set in the KranOS. Temporary settings for service works can also be selected via user-friendly interfaces.